The ring with endless possibilities... Ware it like this - be sharp, elegant, bold! Ware it like that - be discreet, gentle... 2-in-1 square hand forged sterling silver ring.
There are not many things in the world so relaxing and so inspirational as to sit at the border of the sea with your feet in the refreshingly cool water and with your face in the sun, alone.
Smooth, water polished stones in soft shades of sand, beige, white. Beach findings embraced with silver soon to come...
silver discolors easily and the reason is sulfur. sulfur occurs in many contexts: in the air, on skin, in the kitchen, painted surfaces, fabrics, plastics, cigarette smoke, fossil fuels, rubber bands, etc.. it's commonly said that silver oxidizes. some people excrete sulfur on the skin.humidity is very important for how fast silver sulphide is growing. the higher the relative humidity in the air, the faster the formation of sulfide. try not to store your silver jewelry in the bathroom.